Sunday, January 5, 2014

Secret Origins

After a few months of working almost exclusively on my minis and terrain for Super System, I realised something; I love Superhero Wargames. Yes, I have my five Secrets of the Third Reich armies, a GASLIGHT force, Empire of the Dead factions and countless little other projects, but my major hobby expenditure for the past few years has definitely been on supers. 

There's only one problem with this trend; getting other people to play. Actually, I'm pretty lucky, there's at least three people at my local club that are willing to play a game or two of Super System, then there's my Ultimate Alliance campaign, and roleplaying and... ugh! Too many thoughts to keep in my head. So this is where I plan to keep my thoughts as my projects progress and also anything else supers-gaming related that I think people may want to see. 

To start with, this has been my main project for the past couple of years, Super System: Ultimate Alliance:  

So what kickstarted this crazy idea? This fantastic and underrated video game: 

Of course, 30 odd Marvel Heroes weren't enough for me and I had to go overboard. I have lost count of the number of heroes I've painted, but it's still not enough. Actually, that may be a thing I can keep myself accountable for here... 

The important thing is (naturally) what's next? Well, I've been more focused on my homebrew supers for Super System, because they take less effort to game with than doing a huge SSUA game. The lot (so far) can be seen here: 

Even more to come? You bet! 

Until next time, excelsior! 

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