Friday, May 12, 2023

Zooper Dooper Zooper Sayians - Part 6

The 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic hit game stores pretty hard, including the one I work for, and we were forced to close one of our stores to preserve the business. This meant that more than a decade's worth of backstock and unwanted product needed to be sorted through and, often, disposed of. Ever heard of Huntik, Arcane Legions or Conjure? Well, we found all of them in the dark corners of the store room and most went into bins. What didn't get tossed, however, was the huge box of Score and Pannini Dragon Ball Z cards, I got to take them home and spent several days sorting them out. Then another one of our stores decided to liquidate the remaining sealed Pannini stock and I was flooded with cards that I'd only ever really managed to buy piecemeal before. Even back in my Pokemon League days, I'd never really been one to purchase entire booster boxes of cards, I preferred to buy singles (which I still do for some games), so as to not end up with an overflow of unusable Commons. Now, of course, I have more copies of "Straining Outburst Move" then I will ever conceivably use. 

There is a flip-side, in that some of the harder to get cards have landed in my hands, as well as quite a few I was unaware existed previously, such as "Piccolo's Multiform" and "Unlocked Potential", both of which will receive plenty of play. Then again, I was hoping to open two copies of "Garlic Jr's Dead Zone" and only got one; another reason I tend away from blind-packaged collectable games, or at least tend to print the cards I need and buy them later if I can. For my Magic the Gathering "Commander" decks, printing expensive cards and trying them out is a great way to save money in the hobby and I highly recommend it for casual players, like myself, but with FuZion, there's often little choice than to run off what you need on the work printer; the cards just aren't out there. For example, "___'s Guard Crush" is a highly useful card in just about any deck, but I only own one copy, and it only came in special "Power Packs" so is a pretty rare find on the secondary market, even when buying collections. 

So where does that leave me, trying to build decks? Frustrated, is the short answer. I always seem to be one card short of what I want to run in a deck, or have every MP level in foil but one. I currently have three decks (Trunks Freestyle Sword, Majin Dabura Red Beats and Piccolo Namekian Balls) waiting for proxies that don't corrupt and fail to print, but I haven't played a game in months, so I'm not all that bothered about how many decks I can get running. Also still experiencing trouble with finding new players, though some have tried a few games, the reality of the card game versus the expectations granted by the television programme, films and manga tends to discourage. Sure, you can build a Vegeta or Brolly deck that beats face with maximum efficiency, but I'll still be able to avoid combat with my Dr Wheelo deck and make you discard cards until you loose, and that really bothers some fans. I mean, grow up, it's a game? But sure, I can understand that it may be shocking to discover that Krillin is one of the best characters to build a deck around, but Cell isn't.

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