Friday, November 17, 2023

Even More Superhero Movies that Never Happened

This should really be the last of these for a while, especially as none of these films ever made it out of pre-production, with a bit of the casting being wish-lists and scripts never finished. With only one exception, I'm pretty glad that none of these never got up, as none of them sounded too interesting or that capable of being good. Ok, maybe two? But the second one is more about seeing what the director would have done than it being a decent film in its own right.

Spider-Man 4 

There is a lot of conflicting information online as to what a potential 4th Sam Rami Spider-Man outing could have looked like, with just about every Spidey antagonist, from Black Cat to Scorpion, but the main lead seems to be around Curtis Conners (as played by Dylan Baker) becoming The Lizard. Seriously, just about every internet film site has a different "leaked script" to work from, and all of them claim to have the real deal. After seeing how the conflict between Rami and the studio affected Spider-Man 3, I think not getting this one is more like dodging a bullet than missing out on anything.

Hellboy III 

Yes, I really wanted this one, and I maintain it's a shame that it never materialised. However, after the smaller return on Hellboy II, and with the plan being an end-of-the-world story with a downer ending, Hollywood just would have never gotten there. Sometimes what's good and what's going to make the studio a bunch of money just aren't close and we get a mediocre reboot rather than the finale of a unique series in the Superhero genre. Think about it, in the "Demonic Superhero" film sub-sub-genre, Hellboy is the ONLY worthwhile entry, being great even factoring in that the competition is Spawn and Faust Love of the Damned. How would this have gone? I'm not sure, but given how amazing the previous two outings were, this one really does feel like a loss.

Justice League Mortal

The idea of what Justice League Mortal could have been, especially in the wake of the 2017 version being disappointing, has become a flag for diehard DC fans to flock to, but my interest in it is more from a construction standpoint. As it stands, the intended director of this film would have been Australian legend, George Miller of Mad Max fame, and seeing him taking a swing at a Justice League inspired by both the Bruce Timm DCAU and Mark Waid comics version. I'm not sure that Miller would have been a good choice for the tone, and I maintain that John Stewart is too thin a character to carry anything grander than a cartoon, but there was potential there and had it been made, perhaps the face of the DC films would have been vastly different.

That Shitty James Cameron Spider-Man 

Not only could this have been a terrible film in it's own right, it may well have been so bad that it could have conceivably scuppered the entire Superhero Film industry for years. Featuring none other than Arnold Schwarzenegger as Doctor Octopus (who is calling himself "Spider-Man" for some reason), Peter Parker would have been a student of Doc Ock before getting his powers, and the two would have battled, along with a giant robot spider on top of the World Trade Center. Cameron is a decent director, no doubt about that, even if I'm not really a big fan myself, but the details that have leaked about this project leave little room for favorable interpretation. Much like former entries, YouTube is full of little documentaries about this that go into far more detail than I can really do here, if that's of interest to you. 

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