Friday, June 14, 2024

Miniatures Finished: Who's Doctor Who?

In an attempt to keep my painting on theme, I decided that I really needed to paint the last of my current batch of Doctor Who characters. I need to get the rest of the classic Doctors I'm missing and a few more companions so that I can start running some games with these.

Grimjack: Not strictly a "Doctor Who" figure, but I couldn't find a 6th for this post. Also not a character I'm huge on, but I've actually had requests for him in games since I started doing this, oddly enough. Minifigs

Absolom Daak: A character originating in the comics, Daak is the universe's greatest Dalek hunter, part machine and all violence. It's actually a tad odd for the series, but once I saw that I could actually buy him as a miniature, I had to have one. Minifigs

The 4th Doctor:
I've had this miniature since 2013, but have put off painting it because the scarf was too intimidating. One evening, I just sat down with a sharp brush and a lot of colours and got it done. I'm not sure of the make as I bought it second hand, but I suspect Harlequin or even Games Workshop.

Death's Head: Did you know that cult Marvel character Death's Head appeared regularly in the 1990s Doctor Who comics? Well now you do. I'm not sure what scenario I'll be using him in, but he may also appear in some Sci-Fi skirmish games as a Bounty Hunter/Mercenary. Heroclix

Doctor Who:
From the 1960s "Dalek" films, as portrayed by Peter Cushing, this version of the character is a human inventor, rather than a Time Lord. This was another case of me deciding to buy a figure when I found out it existed. Minifigs 

Romana 1:
A lucky find at a swap meet, this first Romana incarnation is an excellent addition to my small collection of companions. Though only useful for 4th Doctor games, I really like the character, so it will probably see some use. Unknown manufacture, I suspect Games Workshop.

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