Friday, September 16, 2022

Miniatures Finished - 01/01/2020

I rushed through some miniatures at the end of 2019 to make sure I didn't finish in the black. I even managed a few superheroes in that lot, which was a nice change from the 40K and Seven Years War Commissions.

Frobisher: Whilst my need to get more Doctors and Companions tends to fall on the back-burner rather quickly, this shape-shifting alien from Doctor Who Comics with a habit of looking like a penguin was too hard to resist getting done. Eureka Miniatures. 

Psi-Judge Anderson: Found Anderson in the bottom of a box of loose miniatures and decided she was worth a coat of paint after watching Dredd again. Having her stepping over the Aquilla was just my fun nod to the shared iconography of British science fiction. Heroclix. 

Fire: When working on another project, I found a couple of spare Fire figures and wanted to try some wet-blending for something else I was working on. Now I need to get an Ice, I guess. Heroclix.

Spiders-Man: Been working on some "Spider-Verse" stuff when I have the chance, and just couldn't pass up a superhero composed of spiders. Pity the miniature isn't all that nice for such an interesting character. Heroclix. 

Annihilation Bug: You can tell how many loose minis I have kicking around the place when I mention that this one was another random find. Almost got a game in with the Annihilation Wave last year, but had to switch up last minute. Dungeons and Dragons Miniature. 

Trickster: I must have painted several Tricksters over the years, but never had one I was happy with. This time, I finally managed to get the yellow down and not have the blue bleed. Heroclix.

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