Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Superhero Media: Big Hero 6 The Series - Season 2

I'm glad I didn't have to wait too long for more of Big Hero 6 - The Series, I watched it all in a few days, so I may have to go back for a more in-depth viewing at some stage. If I were one of those reviewers who insisted on breaking down my thoughts into sound bites, I'd say that the second season of Big Hero 6 isn't quite as good as the first, but the truth is that some elements are actually better, even if the overall effect isn't quite as grand. Part of the issue is that the first half of the season builds to a finale with an excellent twist, but then the actual season finale isn't quite as good, even with the introduction of "MegaMax". Now, this is actually down to season two being made so that it can be split into two seasons for syndication, the difference between a "Production Season" and a "Broadcast Season", but that knowledge doesn't really help the second finale still feeling a little rushed. 

There is something of a conflict in this season of Big Hero 6, between an attempt to develop the characters and wanting to keep them in recognisable forms. New costumes, weapons and characters are welcome, for the most part, but it isn't until the latter episodes that Baymax gets more dialogue than his catch-phrases and other references to the film. Everyone, including Baymax, does develop a little though, which is a nice touch for what could just be a cash-in cartoon based on a successful film, which I put down to much of the original creative team coming back. Hiro gets a pre-romantic relationship with a new character, Go-Go finds empathy with a villain, Fred plays surrogate father to Mini-Max, Wasabi confronts his fear of public speaking, Honey Lemon has to be more violent than she would wish to fully utilise her new gear and even Baymax has to renegotiate his role within the team when Base-Max (a supercomputer) is introduced. 

Despite a few missteps, I feel that there's plenty left in the tank, especially if the crew are willing to keep building on the development done in the second season. I think a new villain or a twist on the formula is really needed (the older characters graduated) to keep Big Hero 6 running for more than one more season, as most of the loose ends have been wrapped up so far. Seriously, if anyone can help me get 28mm versions of these characters, let me know (I have a lead on Globby though), I really want to get more than my two versions of Baymax on the table. I'm honestly shocked that this incarnation of Big Hero 6 doesn't have more traction in the superhero community, the setting is fun and visually engaging, the characters have a good spread of personality and the tragedy that drove the team in the first place doesn't overshadow the whole affair. If you're still sleeping on this one, get on it soon, there's a lot to enjoy and plenty of fodder for gaming. 

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