Friday, May 31, 2024

Drokk the Law!! - Part IX

With moving house coming up again and work being busy, I haven't had the chance to play much for a little while. Not just Judge Dredd, but most games in general, at best getting a couple of rounds of Commander in here and there. But the stars aligned and Andy, Sam and myself managed a couple of games on a Friday night.

We're working on the table at the moment, using some of my terrain and some of Andy's to try and get the table looking more like Mega City 1 before the Victorious event being run by Nunawading Wargames Association (see the links section of this page). This was a test layout with the mat I use for Marvel Crisis Protocol and my Vampire game and a few large buildings; the final table will have more scatter and small items to crowd everything out.

Once again, I decided to test the mettle of my Lone Vigilante, Bubba Feet, against the rabble of the Brian Ansell Block Gang played by Andy. These games are nice and challenging for me, as I have to make each of my turns as impactful as possible whilst making sure I'm not surrounded and blown away.

To this end, I started hiding behind a nice big building while the blockers fanned out to try and get around me. Whilst splitting up seems like a bad idea for Andy, more lines of sight will limit my movement options, and Bubba needs to take advantage of his up-to 30" of mobility to stay ahead of the Punks and Juves.

For this map, Bubba kept to the rooftops in true superhero fashion, hoping to use his powerful Laser Rifle to pick off the enemy Heroes in a single shot. The Brian Ansell Blockers rushed to climb the buildings while Bubba found the best firing position.

Andy brought up the deadly Heavy Spit Gun, saving grace of his gang many times over by now, but the sharp angle and bad rolling meant Bubba Feet was able to sneak up to the edge and end the threat with a blast from his Spit Pistol. After that (and now halfway to winning), I was pretty confident that I'd get my first win with Bubba.

However, Bubba was shortly caught off-guard by a Punk who had worked his way up the fire escape. Rather than trying to punch the armoured Vigilante, the Punk fires with his handgun at point-blank range, only to see the shot bounce off. In return, Bubba swings his rifle around and blasts the Punk away with a single shot.

Whilst Bubba was distracted by the Punk, another had reached the roof of the nearby building. Now with a much better shot, the Spit Gun wielding Punk was able to blast the Vigilante away and claim victory for the Brian Ansell Blockers.

Next up, Blood in the Machine (my Renegade Robots) lined up to take on Sam's Ape Gang in a Scrawl War; a fun narrative scenario where gangs compete to tag buildings and mark turf. I'm tempted to make some "tag" objective markers for this mission, as it's a lot of fun and really fits the setting.

Sam's Apes were at an advantage going into this mission, as their movement is some of the best in the game and my Robots are only about as fast as a human. I also rolled really poorly the entire time, so I'm fairly proud that I stretched the score to 3-1 in the end, rather than Sam getting a walkover.

Now, Sam is a pretty smart guy, and getting better at playing these kinds of skirmish games, so he really did quite well and only got carried away once or twice and had to check himself. Between the Apes and Bubba, movement is looking to be a major element of the game for the more elite gangs. I might now have to look at some of the other options for equipment like Sky Boards and Bat-Glider suits to try and glean a little back for my other gangs. Maybe after my move, I'll take another look at my Street Gang and see what I can come up with.

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