Friday, May 10, 2024

Terrain Finished: Craters

A little while ago, I picked up a couple of one of the older Games Workshop craters and just got around to painting them. These are pretty nice if you can find them around, though may be a little on the big side for most 28mm games.

The reason I wanted a set of these for my Superhero gaming ties to an Osprey game called Of Gods and Mortals; a mytho-historical game I was pretty excited about, but never got into because I found the rules clunky and dull. One rule I really liked though was "Awe", which created a radius around two clashing Gods that Mortals would flee from.

So I was thinking about powerful superheroes clashing and causing destruction, like in any Dragon Ball Z fight or Superman Vs Captain Marvel, and how such a fight may affect the "ordinary" people around them.

I'm not sure as to how I'd actually implement it, but I think some kind of "Awe" system would work well in my Ultimate Alliance games, throwing off the rest of the battle when two suitably powerful characters clash.
Where I'm stuck is just which characters get to use this rule, obviously Superman and Thor would qualify, but what about Iron Man and Green Lantern? I think I need to borrow a page out of Heroclix and start introducing symbols to represent certain abilities. I really need a visual designer to work with one of these days. 

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