Friday, June 11, 2021

Miniatures Finished: 10/10/18

A reorganisation of my undercoated but as-yet unpainted supers minis has led to me finishing characters in something of an odd order of late. There's no intended structure or order to things, I just grab out whatever takes my fancy and go from there. It's a fun way to paint. 

The Shadow:
 I was using this as my "Jaques Noir" for WWII supers, but I've found a better model and decided to merge this one over into the Ultimate Alliance set. Of course, I only noticed after I took the picture that the lining of his coat is meant to be red, so expect to see him again soon. Reaper Bones. 

Leatherwing: In adding more supers to my club's annual Pirate events, how could I not include Pirate Batman? Sadly, he didn't get a run this year, due to changing over to Blood and Plunder from Legends of the High Seas, I'll need to redo the rules for The Phantom, Black Panther and The Doctor. When I'm done with that and Leatherwing, I'll post them up here. Heroclix. 

Snorlax: Mum came home with this figure more than a decade ago and it's been waiting for some love since then. As well as being another option for Pokemon Trainer Taupe, Snorlax will make a fun little "Easter Egg" on display tables, especially if he's sleeping somewhere inconvenient and blocking a road. Toy. 

Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner): I got a bunch of odd little clix when the games store I used to work at cleared out it's prize support to make space, including my least favourite Green Lantern of Sector 2814. I never really got into Kyle, because he always seemed like a major Mary Sue, being a comic book artist with a killer apartment and hot, half-Japanese girlfriend. However, this is a really nice miniature and it was a joy to paint. Heroclix. 

Ultron 6: I had this one sitting on the shelf for a bit as I debated weather or not to collect several Ultrons so that I could do an "Ultron Unlimited" game. At the moment, I'm leaning away from the idea, as there aren't too many nice Ultron Heroclix. As a result, this old paintjob got an update. Heroclix. 

Spidergirl: Gotta love alternate-universe characters in comics, especially someone as fun as May "Mayday" Parker, the Sensational Spider-Girl! This is another of several miniatures I collaborated on with a friend to teach her to paint. She did the basecoats and washes, and the big highlights, I did the fiddly details. She's got some talent, I hope she goes back to painting again soon. Heroclix. 

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