Although it's been a while since our last game, big things have been happening in Mega City One! Due to work and life changes, I'm painting less for my job, so have freed up space for other projects, but sadly, Andy and I will likely only have a chance to game a handful of times a year. Not the best outcome, but at least I have time to prepare between each game and improve things in leaps instead of small steps. I don't know if we'll ever get a real campaign going at this rate, but at least I'll have enough gangs and terrain before too long to demo the game elsewhere and maybe attract enough players for a small campaign, if I'm lucky enough.
First up I got a new gaming mat specifically for Judge Dredd;
It's from the Gaming Arena in Melbourne and they do great mats if you're in the market locally. Clearly designed for Marvel Crisis Protocol, it's 3x3' and similar to one I already have for Nocturnal, but I prefer the more basic layout. I have my eyes on some Brutal Cities buildings but they only do short print runs currently and I'm a little strapped for cash, so other things I have lying around will have to do for now. I'll probably come up with a plaza piece or similar to cover the park, which annoyingly looked a lot smaller on the website.
As I indicated previously, I also got to work on some Scrawl markers for the Scrawl War scenario, one of my personal favourites in the book. I started with some spare Rendara bases, painted them with a few layers of grey to give the impression of concrete, then used White Out Tape to give me a surface to work on with Posca pens.
I'm not much of an artist, but I think these turned out ok. I chose Red and Blue for easy visual pickup and "Xsoha" are a recurrent low-level criminal gang from Batman comics and I went with "Ma-Ma" from the Karl Urban film on the reverse. I think the blue I used isn't great though and I may do another set at some stage, but these will do for a few games at least.
Despite saying here that I was going to work on my Gangsters, I ended up finishing my Demonic Cabal instead, oh well. Although I don't see myself playing the Cabal all that often, it's visually interesting on the table and it can be fun to pull off the Ritual, but really isn't my play-style for these kinds of games.
I say they're finished, but I'll probably need to make a few more cultists for a campaign, these were made with Stargrave Crew and spare Necromunda Cawdor parts along with other assorted bits. The Entities are D&D miniatures and a converted Warcry Harpy; similarly, I would like to replace the Minor Pact (the little one) with something more in-line with the two bigger versions. For now though, it's more than adequate and I can get a few games in. I have a few other things on the painting and building table and it's only a couple of weeks until my next game with Andy, so expect to see more soon.
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