Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Superhero Media: Avengers Endgame

Whilst not the greatest superhero film ever made by a wide margin, Avengers Endgame may well represent one of the greatest achievements in the genre, being as it is the culmination of more than a decade of buildup and 21 previous films. Simultaneously a victory lap, celebration of the franchise and farewell to several prominent cast members, Avengers Endgame is like no other film I'm ever likely to review here. A send off for Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Iron Man, Black Widow and Hawkeye (despite the fact several of those will stick around in some form), Avengers Endgame also finds time to tell stories about Ant-Man and Nebula, who are somehow the emotional centres of the film. I really could just gush about this film for pages, but the internet hates positivity, so I guess I'll cover the bad points of Endgame first; they're really aren't any. Sure, there are parts you can nit-pick if that's your thing, but most of the major criticisms that I've come across are invalidated by the film itself. Wanted more Captain Marvel or Doctor Strange? Sorry, Endgame is for the original seven to say goodbye. Wanted closure on specific lore elements? What series do you think you're watching? 

I'm usually reluctant when it comes to "for the fans" entries in series, but there is such a joy to Endgame that I can't help but be swept up in flow, just enjoying how fun the whole thing is. I already covered the cultural impact of Endgame way back in 2019 with my "Why the Endgame Matters" article, so I won't repeat myself here, but some moments in the film really do take me back to the first time I saw it, opening night and had the whole cinema reacting with me. I must have watched the film at least a dozen times, and I find something I've missed each time, most recently it was that Cap tightens the straps on his broken shield to close a gaping arm wound. Seriously never noticed that before, and it's such a great moment. Another one is that Black Dwarf dies when Giant Man steps on him, I love that he's such a non-threat this time out.  Hell, it's just great to see Scott Lang interacting with the other heroes again, he's such a good fit for the team, never quite believing that he deserves to be there, despite being the reason that they all get to go on the Time Heist in the first place. 

And the Time Heist! Sure, it's a narrative excuse to show clips of previous films, but if that was it, Endgame wouldn't be so great. The juxtaposition between 2012 Cap and 2019 Cap alone is amazing, from dropping bombs about Hydra and Bucky to "That is America's ass", punctuating the scene, but I loved seeing more of the post-The Avengers cleanup, including poor Hulk having to take the stairs. It's pretty rare that we get to see this kind of achievement, this kind of moment in cinema, especially genre cinema, and this genre, which had only really been popular for 20 years when this was made. I'm honestly not sure that the Marvel Cinematic Universe will reach these heights again, but even if they don't, Endgame is a high watermark that will be there for future generations to discover and enjoy. A friend of mine's 7 year-old boy is watching through the MCU films right now, he was up to The Avengers last time I checked in, but I can't wait to see how someone that young reacts to Endgame, I kind of want to watch it with him just to see his reaction. Well done to all involved, Endgame is amazing and I was glad to be a part of it. 

Avengers Assemble

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