Friday, July 12, 2024

Drokk the Law!! - Part X

Well the sad news is I won't be running a Judge Dredd game at Victorious 2024 anymore, but I may have some more takers at work for the fun and light action that can be had in Mega City One. This means I'm slowly making some more gangers when I can find suitable miniatures, but as they're a low-ish priority, it may be a while before they're shown here sorry.

The table is coming together, despite the fact Andy can't work on it very much and I'm not really contributing at this stage. Once I clear out some more Necromunda tiles I need for an event soon, I'm considering some drifts of rubbish for that real 2000AD feel. For now, I dug some vehicles out of my collection, one of my favourite ways to add a bit of characterful scatter to any table.

Three games were played on the night, Judges Vs Apes, Apes Vs Vigilante and Robots Vs Judges. Oddly, Andy, Sam and myself all got a win in somehow, which was kind of nice. Also, despite my arriving later and leaving earlier now that I have a much longer distance to travel to the club, being able to get three whole games in is pretty neat. If we could get a campaign going, there might be noticeable growth in teams each week, like back in my old Necromunda days with the classic edition. It would mean we need more models for each gang, which will be tricky with Andy's classic collection of '80s GW Dredd.

My losing streak with Bubba Feet continued against the Apes, without my causing a single casualty thanks to some poor rolling on the few shots I could pull off. Sam has also gotten very good at keeping my options limited and forcing Bubba to move when he could take a shot with his laser rifle, which is typically a definite kill. The final blow came from a cannon-fodder Gorilla Gangster with a handgun, thanks to Bubba wiffing his melee roll, despite having an advantage.

In the final game, my Renegade Robots were being chased by the Judges, with the goal being that my leader, Haro2-Goodbye, had to escape before he was caught or killed. Somehow, I keep getting to be the defender in this mission with my Robots, which works out alright, as Haro is pretty tough and does his best work in melee, so starting right near the enemy is always good for me. Thanks to, for once, having a numbers and range advantage, I mopped up the Judges pretty handily, only losing a minibot, who are really only there to be expendable anyway, not being able to carry anything bigger than a handgun. I'm feeling that some new missions may need to be worked out as there's perhaps three or four in the book that are reasonably balanced and flavourful, and that's not really enough for a campaign.

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