Friday, July 19, 2024

Miniatures Finished - 07/03/21

Despite sending a decent amount of time sorting out my Superhero miniatures during the 2020 COVID-19 lockdowns, it appears that I always have more to paint than I remember. The current focus of my work is actually just painting the overflow of the storage box I keep the undercoated miniatures in.

Cyborg Spider-Man: A random booster pull, I based him up for Reality's Edge Cyberpunk gaming, though I expect he'll see the table during my slow-burn "Spiderverse" project. Heroclix

Hit-Monkey: Another booster random, I actually had to look this character up because I'd never heard of him. Seems fun enough, and is such a small piece to store that I won't miss the space. Heroclix

The Punisher: Commission piece done for a friend, the face is pretty poor, but the rest of the sculpt is quite nice. Heroclix

I had a friend run these off when members of my local club started doing 1/1200 scale naval gaming, just as something fun to throw on the otherwise bare tables. 3D Prints

Gentlemen Ghost: Great character, been meaning to paint him up for games for a while now. Good thing I've been painting lots of ghosts for other games lately. Heroclix

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