Friday, September 27, 2024

Miniatures Finished: 15/07/21

Thanks to the series of 2021 Melbourne COVID lock downs, I've had plenty of time to paint recently, and superheroes have been a great distraction from Star Wars Legion and rounding out some Kill Teams.

Jack O Lantern: After taking a look at how this was painted, I just had to take other swing. Much happier with the new result, even if it's a tad less bright.

Junkpile: Also completed for some Cyberpunk gaming, this X-Men 2099 antagonist is a nice, chunky model and the basic colour scheme was actually pretty fun to do. A little rust effect on there and he's table-top ready.

Mongul: I've wanted this guy since reading "For the man who has everything", and I finally got some paint on him. I much prefer Mongul over Darksied, so I'll be sure to get him on the table when the opportunity presents itself.

Bossk: I've got a friend who likes to run every crazy idea I have off on his 3D printer and I get the pleasure of painting it. Naturally, when I started doing Club/Work Star Wars Legions armies, I had to have the Robot Chicken version of Bossk.

Mysterio: As with Jack O Lantern above, I didn't much like my work on Mysterio and took another swing. The newer GW glow effects paints made getting a good result on this character pretty easy, and now he pops a lot more than he used to.

Dusk: The Peter Parker version of Dusk for those wondering, for that "Death of Spider-Man" campaign I keep stalling on because of COVID keeping me from wargaming. Another easy paintjob, but I've loved this character since he appeared in the "Peter Parker: Spider-Man" comics and I'm glad to finally have my own.

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