Friday, December 2, 2022

Zuupah Dupah Supa Sayians - Part 5

Well, I'm back playing FuZion format and, for some reason, I've been building decks like a man possessed by an evil alien intelligence named Baby. After pulling a few more cheap packs from work, I had quite a few good cards in styles other than Sayian and Black, not to mention my boxes of older cards. First up, I disassembled all of my Retro decks, throwing out the proxies that were now illegal and getting a better idea of what Score cards I had. Incidentally, I now have quite a few card slips spare, which is nice, as the good ones are expensive. I had a good idea for a Namekian Piccolo deck and maybe something funny with Doctor Wheelo, so I stared with Gohan's Dad, which focused on regenerating damage as fast as possible and also pulling out Namek Dragon Balls for the win. Thanks to having three sets of Namek Dragon Balls to choose from (Score, Score Alt Balls and Pannini), there is some brutal synergy to be had with the right mix, including being able to shut down your opponent's Mastery and Sensei. I was pretty confident with the build going into my first game with the deck I was calling "Gohan's Dad's Green Balls". 

There's a fun naming convention to be had in card games that doesn't seem to get into other tabletop hobbies much. For example, there is a type of Magic the Gathering deck where one powerful creature is repeatedly upgraded with equipment, which is referred to as a "Voltron" deck, which is fun. I may have mentioned last time that I call my Garlic Jr deck a "Triple Threat", as it can with through all three victory conditions in the game. One of my regular opponent's decks is known as either "Broku" or "Squadku", where Goku is the Main Personality [MP], but has a team of allies to defend from attacks and deal extra damage. Naturally, I come up with silly names for all my decks, like my latest effort "Doctor Wheelo's Infinite Bullshit", which is a Black deck which makes my opponent discard all of their cards, but doesn't throw an attack ever. It's a lot of fun, and even though I thought it probably wouldn't work, it seems to run well, actually performing better than my Piccolo deck, which I thought was more likely to do well. Having the huge depth of cards from several versions of the game to choose from means that just about any deck can work now, even more obscure characters like Doctor Wheelo. 

Hell, my regular opponent, Ryan, is looking at several of the Celestial Games characters, like Tapkar and Caterpy, who I bet even hardcore DBZ fans don't remember the names of. Despite taking a big look at my old decks, I still haven't had a chance to fix up my Trunks deck, but did cut my Vegito deck down to run in FuZion format, despite the flack such decks are copping for being "too good" in the online groups, but Ryan is building a Krillin deck and, unlike the internet memes, Krillin is pretty gangbuster and I need something to compete. Starting tomorrow (as in 15/03/2020, backlog and all that) Ryan and I are going to running more of our friends through FuZion using our decks, hoping to temp a couple away from Magic Commander for a game or two. I think the insular nature of FuZion prevents a player base from growing, so I'm going to try and spread it around a little, maybe grow the local base, wish me luck.

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