Friday, August 23, 2024

Drokk the Law!! - Part XI

Mega City 1 action kicked off again, with an actual variety of gangs, believe it or not! This was kind of a last-minute game night, but I had a little time to prepare, so I decided to get some gangs together other than my Renegade Robots and Lone Vigilante, so as to at least get some different images. This does mean that most of my teams aren't finished, so the pictures aren't as nice this time out, sorry.

Using the club table once again, which is good to play on, but doesn't quite look right for the Megs, maybe it's a settlement in the Cursed Earth. As I was playing my Demonic Cabal and Andy was using his City-Def Squad, we decided on the "Getting Whacked" mission, where the attacker (Andy) has to kill my Grand Warlock to win. As the Grand Warlock is the only member of the Cabal who can summon the Demonic Entities which do the actual killing for the gang.

Naturally, I clustered my gang together so they could just do the ritual as easily as possible. Now that I've had a good look at the table (which runs 0-14), it looks a lot better to play than I first thought. To summon an entity, the player rolls a D10 and adds the Grand Warlock's Will and Level (a combined score of 4 for me), minus a little if the pact is Class II or III. To this, each Cultist within 2" can take a Special Action to contribute to the Ritual, adding +1 for each 4+ rolled on a D10, or -1 if below that. Each time I rolled for the Cultists, I ended with a 50/50 split, so it really came down to good rolls for the Grand Warlock.

Andy broke out some classic GW models to run his City-Def, a team with elite equipment but mediocre stats. I played them once myself ages ago and seem to remember being able to field more than four models, so I may have to take a look again sometime.

The first turn involved the City-Def moving up through the town and the Cabal attempting to summon their Class II Pact. A bad roll meant nothing happened in the first turn, but a natural 10 in the second turn resulted in a nasty winged demon turning up and basically immediately swinging the game in my favour.

I spread out the cultists and started popping off shots to keep the City-Def heads down, but really the Class II Pact did all the work for the rest of the game, killing one enemy model per turn and there was little Andy could do to compete. Whilst the Pact is pretty deadly, it doesn't have much in the way of armour, so theoretically, a high number of shots should bring it down through sheer weight of fire. I'm thinking that another gang might have more luck in dealing with the Pact, especially if they can counter the mobility. I'll paint up my Cabal and try and get more games in to test.

The second game saw Andrew (not Andy, different guy) use my Mobsters to take on Sam's Apes in a Scrawl War. I haven't had much luck with my Mobsters, though they should be fairly strong, as the majority of the gang are Heroes, with only a Blitzer and Punk for henchmen. To make up for lower numbers, my Leader can bring a 100 credit (or less) Mercenary to each game. This time, I borrowed one of Andy's models to have a Jimp, a Judge Impersonator. The Jimp can perform an Arrest Action, but has worse stats and gear than a true Judge, so is useful but not game-winning.

With the objective based mission, Andrew was at a distinct advantage, even with a gang that was less effective on-paper. Andrew plays a lot of competitive games, so has learnt to go for the win over the kill, something that, as we've discussed before, Sam struggles with. The Ape's mobility and range advantage is easy to offset once they stop actually moving, and the option to make two Shoot actions in a turn is often too tempting for inexperienced players, so more shots replace the (typically) better Move/Shoot option. Staying still became a liability for the Apes when the Blitzer got into combat and made short work of everything in reach. I'll have to find some more Cyberpunk Yakuza to round the gang out, because I do want to try them more now, seeing how they worked for Andrew.

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