Friday, August 2, 2024

Miniatures Finished: Badman

Been painting a lot of Warhammer 40,000 figures on commission lately, which means lots of batch painting and uniforms, so superheroes have been a nice break, introducing some more colour and individuality to my process. As I don't have an event or anything to prepare for, I'm trying to group figures together on a theme where I can. This time, powerful villains.

Bizzaro: At some point I decided I needed more Superman villains for some reason I can no longer remember, but Bizzaro was on theme, so here we go. Nice simple scheme, a litter darker wash than I gave Superman for added contrast. Heroclix

Bane: I wasn't happy with how small my previous version of Bane was, but it took a while to find a version just the right size and not bigger than some of my Hulks. I really want a Bane in fatigues and gear from No Man's Land at some stage, but I may have to make it myself. Heroclix 

Titanium Man: I think I got this classic Iron Man antagonist in a grab lot of 'clix from somewhere, but I had a shortage of painted villains at that time, so he got based up despite basically just being a less iconic Crimson Dynamo. I need to do a Russian game at some stage, just for fun. Heroclix 

The Blood Brothers:
Despite coming across these characters in Annihilation, the figures are closer to their Silver/Bronze Age look, so I went with a bright paint scheme. I'm not sure how the Brothers' powers (which fluctuate based on their proximity) will work in SSUA, but it should be fun to figure out. Heroclix 

Frieza: The quest for more Dragon Ball Z minis continues, this one being a vending machine toy that painted up pretty nicely, all things considered. Despite having many forms to choose from, I'll settle for this Frieza and a "Final Form" version when I can find one. Toy

General Traag: A classic TMNT baddie from a random booster, sadly the Rock Soldiers in the range are in the same pose, so this may be it for the time being. I quite like that he looks a little like a green plastic army man, sells the concept of military dictatorship well. Heroclix

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