Friday, August 16, 2024

Miniatures Finished - 11/04/2021

Now that I'm running games at work regularly, I'm having to focus on Star Wars and 40k, so actually getting enough Supers done for one of these posts is pretty rare for the time being.

Kisa: I sold off my D&D Boardgames, so I needed a new panther to follow Jedda Walker around. Technically, this is also a D&D figure, but panthers are shockingly rare in 28mm. Wizkids.

Stardust: Big thanks to Attica Games for not only making this miniature, but for giving me a sweet deal on buying some. Get ready for plenty of games featuring Fletcher Hanks' most unique creation, Stardust the Super Wizard. Attica Games.

V: Replacing my own dodgy conversion, this version is alright, but the static pose makes it lose a little. Still, I'm not complaining for a couple of GBP. Minifigs.

Owlman: Not a character I was champing at the bit for, but this figure is really nice, especially for Heroclix, so now I need to work it into games. Maybe some kind of Crisis? Heroclix.

Venogoblin: Home-brew Marvel character for a Spider-Man Ultimate Alliance Mini-Campaign I'm working on and should have more details of soon. Essentially a version of Norman Osborn who mixed symbiote with his Goblin Formula and it went about as well as you'd expect. Converted Heroclix.

Spider-Slayer: Well, how else was I going to get J Jonah Jameson on my wargames table?
One of those strangely iconic Spider-Man villains that never really shows up now that the Silver Age is over, I honestly wouldn't mind seeing one in a movie, with JK Simmons' face on the screen. Heroclix.

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